
2020 Gator100


Companies (corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships) must meet both of the following criteria:
  1. Have been in business for five years or more as of October 15, 2019, and
  2. Have had verifiable annual revenues of $250,000 or more every year since 2016, or for the past three full fiscal years.



The Gator Leader(s) must meet one or more of the following three criteria:
  • A University of Florida former student or group of former students must have owned 50% or more of the company from January 1, 2016 through October 15, 2019 (or date of your Gator100 application), or
  • A University of Florida former student must have served as the Company's chief executive (for example chairman, CEO, president or managing partner) from January 1, 2016 through October 15, 2019, (or date of your Gator100 application), or
  • A University of Florida former student must have founded the company and been active as a member of the most senior management team from January 1, 2016 through October 15, 2019 (or date of your Gator100 application).



The Company must operate in a manner in keeping with the values and image of the University of Florida, "We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity."


To identify the 100 fastest growing Gator-owned companies, the Gator100 will be ranked by compounded annual growth rate (CAGR). CAGR is used to determine year-over-year growth over a specific period of time.

Companies will be asked to provide baseline financial information about their organization, via the financial information described below, that will enable calculation of its CAGR. To ensure and maintain confidentiality, all financial documents will be submitted to and maintained by our independent accounting partner, Ernst & Young (EY). These documents will not be shared with the University of Florida or its personnel.  No parties will enter into Non-Disclosure Agreements. 

Forms accepted by EY to verify sales or revenues (net of returns) include ONE of the following:

(1) Audited or reviewed financial statements by an external CPA firm (i.e. auditors signed opinion letter) for the years 2018, 2017 and 2016, or your most recently completed three fiscal years.

(2) The business' signed U.S. Income Tax Return for the years 2018, 2017 and 2016, or your most recently completed three fiscal years (forms accepted: 1120, 1120S, 1065, Schedule C).

**  Please note that internal letters from auditors are not permissible.  

Revenues and other provided financial information will not be published with the Gator100 list. The Gator100 list will include the company's name, location, Gator leadership and CAGR.

The University of Florida reserves the following rights: (1) To independently verify that nominees and applicants meet all criteria; (2) Reject any nominee or applicant for any reason; (3) Modify requirements as needed without notification.